Monday, November 22, 2010

Closer to God

In this world we live in, being a witness is hard and sacrificial. The guilty one will do every things just to get free from punishment. And if the testimony of the witness is strong, defensive party can consider the obstacles elimination, This is how I see my self in.
God reminds us to be humble no matter how great we've witnessed. And if ever given a thorn in the flesh, we must remain humble. Paul said; " But to keep me from becoming puffed up with pride because of the many wonderful things I saw. I was given a physical ailment by the keep me from being proud". Sometimes God allowed pain and hurting to happened not because he does not care, but because it'll give us an awesome revelations that the enemy doesn't know about, (1) its an opportunity for God to step in to show another miracle again, (2)and to meet the witness closer.

One of the greatest privileges in life is being able to offer our prayers to God. Scripture invites us to ask for what we need without hesitation. But more often we're doing it because we need it badly, that's why we begin our prayers by asking God to do things for us, by praying, then we discover the joy of God’s presence. Sure, we still want him to answer our prayers. But, even more, we yearn for God's presence, realizing that nothing is better than being with him. So instead of being defeatist, I found another dwelling place closer than ever to God..

I learn the true meaning of how to be more closer and to hold on to the clock of God. The true meaning of communion with God

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